Your Mission Is Possible!

As unbelievable as it seems, last year is a memory. The year has come and gone and we are in a new year. People make resolutions and lots of plans to see positive results in their lives. Some plans go under the heading, “Mission: Impossible!” Others could be attainable with discipline and hard work. When you start a new task, your efforts will disturb some. They have no plans and are wondering aimlessly. But as soon as they see you at work, they have a problem. It’s your life and your project but they want to influence what you do.

This is the same problem we find in Ezra chapter 4. The people were exiles yet they decided to build a temple for the Lord, their God. When the other groups saw them at work, they wanted to join them. So they approached this group of exiles and asked if they could participate in their building project. The exiles said no.

Those people who wanted to participate in their project, were not their friends. Their intention was to sabotage their efforts. People who want to sabotage your efforts will do it from the inside or the outside. They will come on your project and cause chaos. They wanted to come into their camp and sow seeds of discord. Soon, the cohesive relationships that existed, would disappear and the success of the project will be in jeopardy.

When they realized that they couldn’t infiltrate and destroy from the inside, they decided to destroy the project from the outside. As a result, verse 5 says that they bribed agents to work against the exiles to frustrate their plans. Their commitment was so strong to that they were willing to pay others to cause problems. You see, frustrated people would not be able to complete the task.

Today, there are those among us with the same mentality. Their aim is to prevent you from accomplishing your task. Stay focused! You are the only person who can allow outside forces to derail your plans. The purpose of your enemy is to frustrate you and your plans. Remember that you are up to the challenge. An old proverb says that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Since you know that enemies are lurking in the camp, be selective with whom you share your plans. In addition, Philippians 4:13 tells you, that you can do everything through Christ who gives you strength.

So in the year ahead, make bold attainable plans and go forth and conquer with the help of God. Your mission is possible!

Thought for Today: Friend, do not allow the enemy to frustrate your purpose.

Have a blessed day and walk in faith and victory.

11 thoughts on “Your Mission Is Possible!

  1. Everyday I’m alive my mission is possible. I have doubted that I can accomplish so many things but God showed me differently and now whenever I’m trying to pursue a task that seems too difficult for me I ask my Heavenly Father to give me strength and help me. My dependence on him has gotten me through. This NewYear I will not limit God in my life. I have decided to walk by faith and not by sight. For me that is my victory walk.

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  2. “Since you know that enemies are lurking in the camp, be selective with whom you share your plans. In addition, Philippians 4:13 says that you can do everything through Christ who gives you strength.” Trusting in God, not on my own might is very difficult, but in the end, God always works it out. Thank you for sharing God’s word and presenting the word in an understanding manner. God bless.

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  3. Pingback: Your Mission Is Possible! – Yakanak News

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