Finding Hope and Purpose through Faith: A Lesson from My Plants

I love my plants. If you know me then you know that is true. There are plants everywhere in my house. One day, we had a visitor, and eventually, he went to the bathroom. When he returned, he looked at my husband and said: “There are plants in the bathroom too.”  Yes, what can I say, I love them all: indoor and outdoor.

Recently, I picked up a few plants and the store. I came home and left them in the garage. I was busy, so I did not plant them right away. When I went to plant them, it appeared that one of my plants had died. It was dry and the leaves were crisp. I thought for a moment, I will throw it out. Then, I decided to plant it; what did I have to lose? A week later, there were leaves on that plant that looked like its only purpose was the trash. I looked at it and thought for a moment. Isn’t that sometimes the way life is?

There comes a time when you feel and look like that plant where it appears that there is no purpose anymore. The issues and cares of this life can beat you down and you feel that you are no longer useful and there is no purpose for your existence. But  2 Corinthians 5:7 AMP tells us, for we walk by faith, not by sight [living our lives in a manner consistent with our confident belief in God’s promises]— So what do you do? It’s easy to believe what the masses are saying but turn to Romans 12:2 and renew your mind. How? Confess the truth of God’s word.

God has promised  His presence, and He will be with you. David understood that so he wrote in Psalm 23:4, Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. Don’t despair, there is hope. God is working on a favorable outcome for you. Do you believe that? I do. It makes me want to sing the Goodness of God. What song do you want to sing?

Thought for Today: Friend, there is hope; don’t give up.

Have a blessed day and walk in faith and victory.

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