Praise God for Victory

Have you ever decided to act, and that decision seemed to be the best course of action at the time? Things were bad but you were sure this action would bring the change you desired. Suddenly, everything seemed to collapse around you because before you were in the proverbial frying pan but now you are in the fire.

David had an experience just like that. King Saul decided that the best gift he could give his son was David’s death. He recognized that God removed the kingdom from his family and David would be the new king. He felt he was king, and he would override God’s desires. He launched a full-scale assault against David. After a while, David grew tired of the constant fighting and wanted a break from fighting King Saul, so he sought safety among Saul’s enemies.

Things were OK for a while and one Day David overhead a conversation that told him that his life was in danger. 1 Samuel 21:11 NLT says, “But the officers of Achish were unhappy about his being there. “Isn’t this David, the king of the land?” they asked. “Isn’t he the one the people honor with dances, singing, ‘Saul has killed his thousands, and David his ten thousands?” David knew he had to get away from this place but how could he do that? He felt that they would kill him, but David had a plan.  “So he pretended to be insane, scratching on doors and drooling down his beard. Finally, King Achish said to his men, “Must you bring me a madman? We already have enough of them around here! Why should I let someone like this be my guest?” (1 Samuel 21:13-15) David’s plan was a success!

What do you do when your actions save your life? Do you tell everyone how you outsmarted the enemy? David had a different response. He took the time to praise God. Yes, David acted like he had lost his mind but he recognized God’s hand throughout  the entire episode. This experience gave birth to Psalm 34. He began: “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.” (Psalm 34:1)  The he concluded with: “But the Lord will redeem those who serve him. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.” (Verse 22) When God rescues us, we need to praise Him.

Thought for Today: Friend, God does not abandon His people.

Have a blessed day and walk in faith and victory.

2 thoughts on “Praise God for Victory

  1. Praise brings the victory – Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moveth therein. Psalms 69:34-
    Thank you for reminding us to Praise God.

    Liked by 2 people

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