Caution: God is Working!

Have you ever had a task that seemed impossible? You do all in your power to achieve success, and the results are unfavorable. You research the best practice to accomplish your goal, and the results are still unfavorable.

When that happens in our lives, we, along with those who are close to us, believe there is a problem with our relationship with God. That experience happened repeatedly in Moses’ life. God sent Moses to Pharaoh with a message to let His people go so they can worship Him. While Moses was requesting that Pharaoh allow the people to leave, Pharaoh’s answer was constantly no. Things got so bad that Pharaoh told Moses that the next time Moses came in his presence that Moses would die;  so, Moses stayed away. People can do what they want until God is ready for a change.

God thundered in Pharoah’s life so severely that Pharaoh had the strangest response. ”Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron during the night. “Get out!” he ordered. Leave my people—and take the rest of the Israelites with you! Go and worship the Lord as you have requested.” Exodus 12.31.NLT. The Egyptians also wanted them to leave; verse 33 says, All the Egyptians urged the people of Israel to get out of the land as quickly as possible, for they thought, “We will all die!” Yes! That is our God at work, working things out. When things go wrong, maybe God is working on something wonderful in your life and your situation. 

Thought for Today: Friend, don’t give up; God is working it out.

Have a blessed day and walk in faith and victory.

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