Obedience is Necessary

Obedience is the key when it comes to following directions. It is the same with God’s word: it is important to obey God’s law. Acts 5:29 AMP Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men [we have no other choice]. Romans 7:12 NLT But still, the law itself is holy, … Continue reading Obedience is Necessary

When We Obey

Obedience is important in every area of life. When we walk with God, He expects us to obey His word. Obedience is key if we want God to answer our prayer; there are blessings when we obey. Isaiah 1:19 AMP “If you are willing and obedient,You shall eat the best of the land. Luke 11:28 … Continue reading When We Obey