Finding Power in the Promises of God

What do you do when you are troubled and overwhelmed by the cares of this life? The answers are varied because people choose a variety of ways to respond to the cares of this life. You might wonder what I do. Well, sometimes I go straight to the word of God; other times, I cry, … Continue reading Finding Power in the Promises of God

It Came to Pass

When children are young, they love to use the word promise. You see, they are always on the lookout for things that their little heart desires. When they find the desired item, they want it now. If that is not possible, they want a promise that they will get it at another time. They never … Continue reading It Came to Pass

Remember these Things!

Society places great value on history.  Our society takes the time to acknowledge and remember the things that notable people have contributed to the quality of our lives. Yet, we sometimes forget about God and His goodness toward us. I pray that we will remember the Lord, our God. Deuteronomy 6:12 AMP Be careful not … Continue reading Remember these Things!

Hope in God’s Faithfulness

There are many stories of people who were stranded in some strange places and were candidates for losing their lives. The circumstances around them seemed to suggest that death was the next step. But contrary to the expectation; they survived. What made the difference? They lived with hope. What is hope? The dictionary says that … Continue reading Hope in God’s Faithfulness