He Did It His Way!

While there are people who work at walking in obedience, there are those who like to do as they please. They want to take control of their life and situation believing that they are more knowledgeable that God about what is happening in their lives. Then there are others who walk with God and allow … Continue reading He Did It His Way!

Obey and Succeed

It’s not always easy to do what is right. It’s easy when you are in the company of people who are willing to do what you are doing but when you are all alone, it’s not so easy to be the Lone Ranger. Have you ever had to make the decision to stand alone or … Continue reading Obey and Succeed

Choose Obedience

There are people who listen to instructions and take it to heart; they do their best to follow the guidelines set for them. Then there are others: they do as they please and disregard the laws that were set before them. There are different outcomes for those who obey and those who do their own … Continue reading Choose Obedience

Obedience is Necessary

Obedience is the key when it comes to following directions. It is the same with God’s word: it is important to obey God’s law. Acts 5:29 AMP Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men [we have no other choice]. Romans 7:12 NLT But still, the law itself is holy, … Continue reading Obedience is Necessary

Dress Correctly

When the Apostle Paul spoke to the early church, he and the other apostles often used the words clothe yourselves. In other words, they were saying that we, as people of faith, should dress correctly. Galatians 3:27 NLTAnd all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new … Continue reading Dress Correctly

Work Your Faith!

When you share information with others, some people believe you while others are not too sure about your information. In other words, they are exhibiting doubt. The dictionary defines doubt as being uncertain about something; you consider the information questionable. Most of us have been on both sides of this coin: our information has been … Continue reading Work Your Faith!

Condition of the Heart

There are many songs written about the heart. The heart plays a vital role in our emotional wellbeing. It dictates who we are and how we behave. A wicked heart will produce wicked actions while a thankful heart will show gratitude. Saul was the first king of Israel, and he did as he pleased. It … Continue reading Condition of the Heart

Following  Enoch’s Example

Many times, in life, we are identified by our relationships. Our first identity relationship is with our parents: we are children. As we continue to grow and change, we engage in more relationships. There are times that these relationships bring joy, and other times, sorrow. But there is one relationship in life that is a … Continue reading Following  Enoch’s Example

Wait! Let God Lead! 

There are many seasons in life. Sometimes we are happy; sometimes we are sad but, in all seasons, we look to God for strength and direction. There is always the inclination to chart our own course. We believe that we can best decide what we need in our lives. That is the way of the … Continue reading Wait! Let God Lead! 

Choose to Obey

God places a high priority on obedience. God expects us to obey. There are blessings when we obey and consequences when we do things our way. We all have a choice to make, Are you going to obey God? Acts 5:29 AMP Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men … Continue reading Choose to Obey