Obey and Succeed

It’s not always easy to do what is right. It’s easy when you are in the company of people who are willing to do what you are doing but when you are all alone, it’s not so easy to be the Lone Ranger. Have you ever had to make the decision to stand alone or … Continue reading Obey and Succeed


As I was thinking about today’s post, I thought about how our decisions today affect our tomorrow. We need to take all our decisions to God in prayer. Let us revisit, What’s Your Decision? Here is the Link: https://victorywalk.blog/2022/09/08/whats-your-decision/ Have a blessed day and walk in faith and victory.

Identify Your Destiny Helper

Earlier, we looked at David’s life and saw that he was connected to destiny killers. If we look at ourselves, we can see some similar connections in our lives. Sometimes, people can look at us and identify things in us that we can’t see in ourselves, and they use words and actions to make their … Continue reading Identify Your Destiny Helper

Caution: God is Working!

Have you ever had a task that seemed impossible? You do all in your power to achieve success, and the results are unfavorable. You research the best practice to accomplish your goal, and the results are still unfavorable. When that happens in our lives, we, along with those who are close to us, believe there … Continue reading Caution: God is Working!

Knowing God Brings Change!

One major difference between children and adults is that adults have experiences that will help to navigate the new. When God called Samuel, he had not point of reference. He knew that the only person who was within proximity was Eli, so it must have been Eli. David, on the other hand, had a different … Continue reading Knowing God Brings Change!

When We Obey

Obedience is important in every area of life. When we walk with God, He expects us to obey His word. Obedience is key if we want God to answer our prayer; there are blessings when we obey. Isaiah 1:19 AMP “If you are willing and obedient,You shall eat the best of the land. Luke 11:28 … Continue reading When We Obey

Praise God for Victory

Have you ever decided to act, and that decision seemed to be the best course of action at the time? Things were bad but you were sure this action would bring the change you desired. Suddenly, everything seemed to collapse around you because before you were in the proverbial frying pan but now you are … Continue reading Praise God for Victory

With God: It’s Possible!

We all have deep desires in our hearts; things that we are afraid to tell even those close to us. We live and watch our hope die with the passage of time. Times speaks very loudly because the years look at our hope and say it’s out of reach; time removed the ability to make … Continue reading With God: It’s Possible!

Just Do It!

One of the struggles we go through in life is the challenge to do what is right. Many times, the choice seems easy but in reality, it is not. We live in a fallen world and as upright as we think we are, we have some desires at times that are not right. Then, we … Continue reading Just Do It!